Inclusive Aviation to make flying possible to everyone.

Freedom of movement

The Inclusive Aviation project or INCLAVI began in September 2022 and it will address the skills mismatches in the aviation sector related to the freedom of movement of persons with disabilities and accessibility requirements in line with the EC Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. The project is co-funded by European Union Erasmus+ programme. 

The project was born from need. We at INCLAVI want to enable smooth journeys for all air travelers. No matter what their special conditions or disabilities may be. The goal will be accomplished through rigorous cooperation between key global industry and labour market actors combined with a world-class HEI and VET consortium.

INCLAVI will design and co-create a new training curriculum utilising expertise from HEI, VET and Industry Actors to support the reskilling of aviation sector employees and key target groups who have a role in the passenger journey of PwDs from door to door. The training will address students and professionals in areas of work related to travel agencies, airports, and airlines.

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Setting the bar

At INCLAVI, we want to set a high bar that serves as an example and standard of quality to other actors in the field. We believe that the needs of passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility should be addressed at every stage of their journey to guarantee the successful customer experience. The task won’t be easy. The creation of accessible airports will require thousands of hours of hard work and close cooperation between the global key players such as airlines, consultants, and universities. 

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Inclusive Aviation (INCLAVI)

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